Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Griots: Learning Style

believe that everyone has their own preference when it comes to learning any type of information. Some people may be visual or auditory learners, but others may be different! Honestly for me, I believe that the style of learning that the Griots conducted in would be not very useful to me for history. I'm a visual learner and not an auditory learner; I just cannot listen to someone orally tell me something and hope to memorize it. I need to be able to look at the words or whatever I'm learning and memorize that way. Especially the history I'm currently learning in class would require a great deal of memorizing and I just need time to visually understand it.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Essay Reflection: Part 2

I believe that the shape which defines the progress of history up to this point is circle. I believe history is a circle because it is perpetual when it comes to mistakes. Since a circle keeps flowing 360 degrees perpetually, I think it symbolizes how people over the course of history keep repeating the disasters that befell other civilizations; they are not learning. However, in this circle, there are certain points when leaders show determination to fix mistakes and improve their empire/kingdom/country. Even if rulers somehow are able to improve the status of their controlled areas, there will be a time when some bozo (bad) ruler will reign and neglect the important issues, thus leading their territory to decline and eventually collapsing. In conclusion, all these events with the bozo and good rulers all fall within that circle of history and will always repeat itself unendingly. 

Essay Reflection: Part 1


Honestly, the progress with my essays over the past couple months have been the constantly low. It seems that I do well in organizing my essay getting a good opening thesis up, but I fail to explain my answers. I may have a good argument, but I cannot back it up with proper evidence. I think that a good approach to this problem is getting a good general idea of the region i'm discussing in whatever time period it is in. When I can get a good idea of each theme from that region, then I can start looking at in depth information. My problem was that I developed a superficial understanding of the region at hand and never fully interpreted it, I jumped into the deep information to quickly. I believe knowing this will give my essay more accuracy and help solve most of the problems.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Near The End

Not much happened today, just Mike and Nikhil saying their concluding statements, which were excellent. Other than that, we just had a discussion about the overall nature of the trial and the Mongols.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Today (1/14), was the prosecutions turn to attack us and I wasn't called up to be interrogated by them. There really isn't much to work on now because all that's left in the trial is the closing statements. Overall, I believe my team (Defense) did very well.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Today (1/13), was the second day of the trial. Today I was called up as a witness and explained my story. Now, I'm getting ready for tomorrow just in case of being called up by the prosecution.

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Oops, I forgot to say what happened last Thursday and Friday, but here it is!
Thursday (1/9), was a final preparation day for me, just getting everything ready. Friday (1/10) was the first day of the trial and I took notes of what other people said.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Today (1/8), I made some more questions and answers that the lawyers could potentially ask me. Other than that, getting mentally prepared for the trial...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Today (1/7), I rewatched the video: Khan of Khans and I made some more questions/answers that could potentially be asked to me.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Today (1/6), in class and at home, I made a list of questions and answers that could potentially be asked to my character (The Mongol Warrior).

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Mongol Trial - Work Content

Instead of doing a daily update of my work on the Mongol trial, I decided to wait near the end of vacation to update my status. I'm on Team Defense, so here goes:

12/23 - 12/27: Looked up information regarding the Prosecution team's people. I researched Guillaume Boucher, Abbasid Caliph al-Mustasim, Pope Innocent IV, and got some information about other general people such as the European citizen.

12/28 - 1/1: Now, I started looking up my own team's people and how they could play against the Prosecution. I researched mostly the ones with the asterisks on them: Subedei, Ogodei, Hulegu, Mongke, and Kublai considering how these are the more important witnesses in the trial. I also researched some of the other people for defense such as Yelu Chucai.

1/2: This was the most important day because it revolves around my own character: The Mongol Warrior. I researched greatly for this one.  

1/3 - 1/4: I finished the videos: World Conquerors, Tartar Crusaders, and Khan of Khans. Also, I finished reading chapter 18 of Traditions and Encounters.