Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Quran and Its Followers

The teachings of Islam are different than those of Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians in the fact that it follows another path of worship. In Zoroastrianism, followers only believed in two beings, Ahura Mazda (good god), and Angra Mainyu (bad god), and they had to have good morals to be well off in the afterlife. Also with Judaism and Christianity, having good morals and believing in your faith allowed you to go to the afterlife in peace. The one thing that Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity have in common is that their religions are not forced on them as in Islamic beliefs. In the Quran, it says that Allah is the only god and everyone has to worship him, if you don't, you damned to a horrible life. By forced, I mean that people had to submit to all of Allah's whims if they wanted to get a chance in the afterlife, and by submission, you have to do everything he says without question.

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