Thursday, November 14, 2013

Constantinople and Baghdad From Benjamin of Tudela

In the views of Benjamin of Tudela, he gives many similarities of the both of these magnificent cities. Both of the cities are overflowing with wealth and prosperity which is the greatest known factor of these places. As stated by Benjamin, he says that each of the cities were filled with precious and important metals such as gold and silver. Because of the cities' immense wealth and prosperity, they've attracted many types of people such as merchants. Also, similarly in both cities were the types of religious figures although not the same faith. In Constantinople, there was the Pope who ruled over Rome and the church. In Baghdad, there was a person known as the Caliph, who was the leader the Muslim religion and everyone obeyed him. However, Constantinople differs from Baghdad in that it doesn't focus on helping needy people, it only improves already well off things such as luxury. In Baghdad, the Caliph helped all poor peoples and improved life for all classes.

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