Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Passage Response: Zarathustra on Good and Evil

Zarathustra makes the assumptions that human nature and the capacity of humans to make good choices are all linked together. He talks about how Ahura Mazda will shower you with praise and righteousness, but Angra Mainyu will take your soul and corrupt you forever. The passage states, "These are the Good and the Evil, in thought, and in word, and in deed" (Irani). Zarathustra is also saying that humans will naturally do the right thing because of the certain rewards that will be offered to them, such as going to paradise. He believes that people will error in their ways when the evil spirit of Angra Mainyu brings destruction. Overall, Zarathustra believed that doing the right things in life is the best path to follow because it benefits all humans and influences good morals that are passed down in younger generations.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Prateek-

    Is it natural to do something that you are getting a reward for? Or is it natural to just do something for the sake of doing it? Zoroaster seems to be skating a fine line in this passage...
