Thursday, March 6, 2014

Promotional Videos Response

I would assess the gold and silver aspect of the Europeans coming to the new world. Everyone from Europe wanted gold as it was the most precious metal that anyone could possess. However, when they saw the incredible amounts of gold in the South American continent, they knew that the jackpot had been found. Gold wasn't valuble in South America, but the Europeans were able to do so many things with it such getting wealthy and rising up in the social hierarchy. The most important aspect to this project is the ability to gather people up and have them do what you tell them. If you can convince others of the greatness from the new world, then you've successfully completed the task. The least important aspect is trying to make the video too comedic; too much comedy defeats the purpose of the argument. I believe everyone did a wonderful job with their promotional videos, but Paul's and Twinkle's stood out the most in my opinion. Their video stood out because they addressed each aspect of their topic in a very smooth and understandable way.

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